Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So yeah it has been awhile since i last posted but yeah get over it.

I have been getting on the computer almost everyday..and everytime i get on...i look at my friends myspace evry single one of them...Katrina, Katie, Preston, Tiana, and Nisha. My "top" friends. And you know i think to myself...gosh i miss them. I guess what people say is true you dont really appreciate something until they are gone. And they aren't dead or anything but they are not close either. And another thing is you find out who your true friends are in time of need.

These 5 friends were there for me when i was trying to get on my own 2 feet. Some gave me a place to stay...some money...some just a listening ear to listen to the consequences of the stupid desicion i made the day before. Some gave me advice and some told me i was stupid and i was making the wrong desicons. But i think my biggest point out of this WHOLE thing. Is not one of them judge me for the desicions i made. They merely helped me pick up the pieces...some told me what they thought but still told me they loved me when they were done. And i want to thank every single one of them for helping me and i hope this summer and maybe days to come ahead...i can in some way or another pay them back. I love u guys!

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