Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Pros and Cons of College

SO i get into this Beginning Algebra class...that i am SUPER physced about right?
Well yeah its a good class and i like it BUT i had to quit my job. So im like bored im so use to waking up taking ernesto to class and goin to work get off work pick him up, take him to work, go home rest and then cook, get back INTO the car and pick him up. And THEN i have to spend time with him LOL...j/k.
But anyways the way Godfather's Pizza is set up is we have a lunch buffet from 11-1:30. Well my class is at 1. I usually would get to work around 10 and stay until 2 or 3...sometimes 5. So yeah now i am frantically looking around for a job in this crazy place that has ABSOLUTELY nothing. And im starting to freak out because Nesto put in his 2 week notice yesterday because he a bout to start Spring Football. So im responsible for our half of rent now. AW o well i will get thru this!

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